the tonal keys - which i actually forgot to print and include in my journal. A fact that I forgot about until I was cleaning out my folder yesterday...
the facemap - despite the wacky names (I was REALLY out of it when I did it), I really like the facemap. It was a lot of fun. The colour is a blogspor thing I think but yeah, its not suppose to look like something in accordance with Corey Worthington's fashion sense.

As a foreword, I didn't particularly get what I was supposed to do with the collage until the last minute. So especially the plan was not particularly detailed. But I have to say, the elevation's pretty much my best work in this atlas. I like the plan too layering the same street over and over has an unexpected effect that is quite good. Once again, the colours aren't supposed to be like that, blogspot is a bit weird. Though maybe it'll look better when its published. Just a note, the orange bits are supposed to be BLUE.

I don't think I'll upload the rest, there's nothing I'm particularly proud or ashamed of and everything afterall, is in the atlas. Also, the colours are not the best so I don't particularly want the rest of my atlas to be forever enshrined on the internet in colours their creator did not intend.
For my atlas, I probably should've put more thought into it than I did. The esquisse definitely should've been better but the main colour components (i.e. above elevation) I thought I did fairly well.
At the conclusion of this workshop, I honestly can't recommend this workshop for anyone who thought BENV1080 a waste of time. Because this workshop, aside from the fact that we actually did learn something about colour theory - something that in the end wasn't included in the atlas, was exactly like BENV1080. Ok, it is marginally more interesting but not by much.