Here are the teaching drawings.
the cup.
the cup that its drawn from.

the perspective.

the shading exercise.

the mock-ups in chronological order.

The final drawing - what inspired it, the process
The inspiration.

Draft stuff. Again, in chronological order.

The final version. The two photos are meant to be linked but my camera wasnt able to fit both on the same photo without distorting the quality to a damaging extent as I did both on A1. Though my camera IS rather awful...

I had thought that it was an oral presentation for our drawings. Even then, I really should have printed out my inspiration because my translation of it was a bit too abstract and simplistic for such a lush photo. As for the drawing itself, I definitely should have continued the asometric theme for the plans on to the second sheet. I tried, but the sheets were too big and it just didnt line up properly so I approximated. Now the first sheet looks perfectly planned but the second one looks just a bit off even though what I wanted to express still comes through.
I don't regret my final presentation though and the idea to trace leaves was a great idea in my estimation. It captured the autumn feel I was going for with real leaves. The mountains might look better in a more western abstract instead of the asian one but I don't thing it would've made too much of a difference. What would have made a big difference is if i remembered to bring my charcoal. Had to run to the quad store in a last minute effort for charcoal and got this thing that didn't really smudge properly.
Overall, I think that my presentation drawing did work well.